在使用Magento Import All Products Profile 导入产品数据时,出现了以下错误提示:
Skipping import row, required field “sku” is not defined.
Skip import row, required field “store” not defined…


If you have tried importing products using a .csv file in Magento, most likely you have seen an error message like this “Skip import row, required field “sku” not defined” or “Skip import row, required field “store” not defined” etc. The problem is, your .csv file needs to be in UTF-8. Whether you are using Microsoft Excel or Open Office Calc, here’s what you have to do:

1. First of all, make sure all the fields are properly filled in Excel or Open Office.
2. Make a copy of the file in case you do something wrong, you can always go back.
3. Save the file as Comma Separated Values (.csv) if you haven’t done so.
4. Look for the file and open it with Notepad. You can right-click > Open With > Note pad.
5. Go to File > Save As… your file name should end with “.csv.” Example: import.csv
6. Under Save as type select All files (*.*)
7. Under Econding select UTF-8
8. Save the file. It’s now ready to be imported.


Invalid method Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Option_Value::deletue(Array ( [0] =>  * ) )
如果SKU是唯一的库存号,导入程序会直接跳过。*为Products ID.